Life Beings with a good-looking mentality
Well, there really isn’t. There are some things in life beyond physical attraction. What is it like when people find a soul mate? How do those souls end up together? Are people different and unique depending on whom they are attracted to? These questions are valid for everyone who has ever dated. Most of us will end up dating someone new, but how does our brain respond? The idea of two persons being identical makes no sense.
This is the reason why I think people need to realize that the physical part of their personality isn't what matters. Our brains work differently from animalistic animals and the reality is that we are complex creatures. Our minds are shaped by social environments and our experiences. When we are in a social environment and get into a conversation with a stranger, we become very familiar with them and begin connecting with that person. So, what's the point in liking someone because their appearance is Insocietyt,y we should be looking out for each other and treating each other the way we treat our families. Don’t judge someone based on the looks of the person, as long as they are doing good within their community. Even if that means going out of your way to help someone get a job or having something nice for someone. At the end of the day, you will be happy whether you have the cutest thing that washes your panties or if you don’t have any money to buy yourself food.
We need to keep our eyes open to what people mean when they say that “beauty hides” as well as what they mean when they say that “beauty hides" is that "beauty comes before the beast." When these things come along with someone, they mean that we believe that they are the perfect person for us. When they aren't for us it’s easy to get jealous. Why would anyone want a relationship with someone who has beautiful skin and looks like Cindy Crawford but is a complete mess inside? Or who only cares about themselves and superficial things.
We start getting delusional thinking about what could happen if a guy saw some of his friends looking at him in public, so he starts showing off. Eventually, y he realizes they are all lying and starts realizing he is making a mistake when he tries to impress them. Once your brain starts messing around with the truth, it starts to cause everything to fall right into place. It gets more complicated when you start seeing the same thing you see in the mirror instead of the real deal with someone because they tell you to do it Ashumansn,s we have been given incredible gifts and if we look at a picture of a person, we immediately think that we can do that person. Now, they could be a liar. They could be a murderer. But there'd be no reason why a man who's a decent person should not try to impress them so easily. Maybe it's not the person you're attracted to. If you're not in a serious relationship after one year then chances are you'll want to get married just to escape the pain of losing a relationship. So, the question is, did you marry them just for the sake of loving are you marrying them just to please them.
A few years ago, a great author of fiction called Ray Bradbury wrote this short story titled "A Million Ways to Leave Me". What happened is a boy who wants to leave all his worries at school, to go find a girl who's willing to accept him for the person he really is and make him feel loved. So, he decides to spend every minute he has working on himself until he finds that girl and she accepts him like that. He thinks it's going to be easy, and he gets all the girls he likes and wants, and never stops trying to reach out to one. One is still waiting for him despite all the times he shows up on her doorstep and waits for her to finally take his hand and be his. She eventually meets him one day and they leave all the things and worry that he told her that she can't come. A couple weeks later she gets into his car and they drive off.
The message here is that you must stop worrying about your current situation and start telling yourself that you need a change of scenery to focus on where you want to be. You must find a new partner. Someone not who is the exact opposite of all you've done or seen happen.
And they have a huge amount of growth potential. Just start loving every moment to the fullest, because as soon as you start liking it again, it stays. Love is unconditional. Nothing else matters but how much you love someone. There's a quote, which goes well with this story; “To do anything you've got to love what you’ve got to do it”. Everything you say or do matters when it's your actions and thoughts. No matter what happened before, nothing will stop you from achieving whatever you want.
The whole purpose of this story is to show you that sometimes we only see the surface of someone else’s character. Sometimes the best qualities about us lie below the surface. Some things lie underneath the surface but can still turn a handsome face to be a total jerk to anyone. Make sure to look beneath the surface more than once and find out who the true person you deserve the attention of is. Be careful about things that aren't true. Especially in relationships. Find someone who truly loves you for who you are, not who someone else says you are. It's a rare thing for a little bit so be careful and remember to smile at all times someone smiles back! Because you're worth it on that first date. Remember the lessons you learn just by smiling at someone. Smile more often and more frequently and people will think you’re sincere. Being genuine also makes you a better listener. By listening, people will always want to hear more. And they will want to hear what you have to show, so how can you listen when you don’t know what the person is talking about?!