Raw Water Explanation

 You will get a complete overview of the clarification prosses and important points to account for regarding its setup.

Raw Water Explanation


Raw water clarification is the process of treating water that has not been through a treatment plant. It can be used to remove taste and odor, improve appearance and clarity, reduce suspended solids levels (SS), filter out pathogens, and prevent corrosion.

     Chemicals usage

Chemicals used for water clarification include coagulants, flocculants, and acid additives. The coagulant is a substance that causes the clumping of particles together by causing them to stick together or form clusters. Flocculants are used to remove suspended solids from the water through physical adsorption onto small particles called colloids (smaller than cells). These particles then settle out of the solution, leaving clear water behind. Acid additives such as phosphoric acid or sulphuric acid help break up complex organic molecules into simpler ones so that they can be more easily removed by filtration equipment such as sand filters or reverse osmosis systems which require less energy expenditure compared with traditional methods of treating wastewater containing solid waste materials such as sewage sludge."
Chemical reactions

Water treatment chemicals are an important part of the water purification process. These chemicals react with other substances in the water, causing changes that either make it purer or less harmful to human health.

Water treatment chemicals can be divided into two categories: sedimentation and adsorption. Sedimentation involves adding a substance to the water that allows particles suspended in it to settle out of suspension by gravity; this is often done by adding a fine particle such as alum (aluminum sulfate), which becomes charged with positively charged ions from your tap water and attracts positively charged ions from your tap water as well. Adsorption involves placing another substance (usually an ion exchange resin) onto whatever solids have already settled out— these act as a barrier between them so they don't re-suspend themselves again during disinfection stages later on down line!


The coagulant is the chemical that causes the particles to stick together and form a ball. There are several types of coagulants, including calcium sulfate, aluminum sulfate, and polysulfides such as Polysorbate 80.

Coagulation is an exothermic reaction that occurs when water reacts with metal ions or other substances in a solution. It takes place at temperatures between 32°C (88°F) and 60°C (140°F).


Flocculent is a chemical agent that helps to form flocs. It is used in the raw water clarification process to remove suspended particles from the water and prevent turbidity.

Flocculation occurs when colloidal particles collide with each other, forming large clumps or flocks that settle out of suspension and sink to the bottom of your tank, where they can be easily filtered out by your filter system.



  • ·         Reduces turbidity of raw water
  • ·         Reduces the number of chemicals used in the  treatment
  • ·         Reduces the amount of sludge  produced
  • ·         Increases efficiency of  sedimentation and filtration

Raw water clarification

We hope this article has helped you understand the basics of raw water clarification. The process can take some time and is not easy, but it is definitely worth it if you want a purer source of drinking water in your home or business. If you are interested in learning more about how we can help with your project please contact us today!


Finally, raw water clarification is a process that can be used to remove contaminants from the water supply. Typically, this requires the use of chemicals like chlorine or ammonia that react with organic material in the water. The reaction causes those substances to break down into smaller molecules and become less harmful to humans or animals who might consume them.

The benefits of using raw water clarification include:

  • ·         Removing any biological matter such as bacteria and viruses
  • ·         Stopping any potential growth of algae blooms
  • ·         Preventing corrosion on pipes



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